Chapter 1

LOCATION: A Pure White and Overwhelmingly Clean Room


[AL-777]: OOF, my head hurts.


[???]: Beatrice! Beatrice! C'mere! She's finally awake!


[???]: Oh, uh, uhh...

[???]: Oh, stop it with those noises. Come say hi.

[???]: And you! Who are you?

[AL-777]: (what should i even say?) um, im uh... (mission failed, couldn't come up with anything)

[???]: Do you not want to share your identity or do you really not know who you are? Are you trying to mess with us?

[???]: Um, since she's a new creation and all that, I think she might not really know herself.

[???]: That's so freaking weird. Aren't all Initiators supposed to at least give creations some sort of basic introduction at least?

[AL-777]: No! i mean, yeah...


that goddess said she was going to explain everything but...i hardly know anything...


[???]: Good to hear. So Initiators return just to not even bother introducing their creations anymore? Fantastic, absolutely awesome. I'm just so delighted to hear that.

[???]: uh, Who awakened you? It was a goddess right? Did you remember what she looked like?

[AL-777]: hmm...Pink hair, i think. uh, a White dress?

[???]: oh um, that's uh...

[???]: I have an idea. She should definitely have some sort of ID card at least. We should see that.

[AL-777]: ID card? I don't think I have one...

[???]: Well, do you have anything in your pockets...or...

[AL-777]: oh, I hope you mean this...


[???]: This better be a bad joke. What even is a Null Model Type? Why's your Initiator name blurred? Can't seem to scratch it off. Honestly I shouldn't even be surprised at this point. We get let down, then they stop talking to us, then they-

[AL-777]: i dont know anything either, so dont even bother interrogating.

[???]: I'm sorry that you didn't get any explanation. This really is strange. But um, here, you're supposed to have a confirmed Model type, an Initiator identity, but it seems that you have none of that. For example, I'm BT-755 or Beatrice for short, my Model Type is 700 and my Initiator is []. There's no Null Model Type here and you don't have an identified Initiator. But since your name is AL-777, shouldn't your model type also be 700?

[???]: She doesn't look like a Type 700 at all.


[BT-755]: I guess we could help her at least. Maybe see if we can contact other Initiators.

[???]: Yeah, like it's worked the past what? 20 attempts?

[BT-755]: There's finally been a Malgel created after so long. I want to give them a chance. Let's help AL-777, at least, hmm, that's uh...what should we...

[AL-777]: (Saying BT-755 is a pain so I guess that's why they call her Beatrice. And the other guy's name was Emmett as well.)


[BT-755]: I like the name Alice. Do you like it too?

[???]: You're going to decide for them...?

[AL-777]: well, i cant think of anything else.

[BT-755]: We'll call you Alice then. I hope you don't mind.

[AL-777]: I don't.

[BT-755]: That guy's name is ET-401, by the way. You can call him Emmett.


[ET-401]: I could've introduced myself, thank you very much.